1. Receive the request from project and KA, input the control table, operate it and feedback the status, including all DOC adm service, such as DN, PR, PAC, PCAF, loan contract configuration, PCAF trouble shooting etc
2. Generate report when necessary
3. HQ IT interface
4. Interface to KA, project, FSC
5. Training for new employees
6. Flexible for all kind of ADM service
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1. Receive the request from project and KA, input the control table, operate it and feedback the status, including all DOC adm service, such as DN, PR, PAC, PCAF, loan contract configuration, PCAF trouble shooting etc
2. Generate report when necessary
3. HQ IT interface
4. Interface to KA, project, FSC
5. Training for new employees
6. Flexible for all kind of ADM service